Strengthen your team and culture

Mediation for Teams

When teams pursue a worthwhile purpose conflict will arise – this is a healthy sign. The challenge is to resolve it constructively to make the most of everyone’s contribution to the team.


Easy to say – harder to do in practice. Conflict is a mirror – in fact it’s the best 360 feedback you can get. Learning how to work through it is a key leadership and team member skill that’s often overlooked.


Mediation provides a non-judgmental space to support you to look in the mirror, learn from what you see and offer a clear mirror for your colleagues. This can make the crucial difference to whether you have an average or a high performing team.

Certifications and Memberships
Liz is brilliant at deflating tensions

– Chambers Guide to the Legal Profession

I understand how painful conflict can be.


I specialise in working with leaders and team members who are willing to take responsibility for their part in the disagreement, to set aside blame and look for constructive ways forward.


Organisations I work with span investment banks, professional services firms, FTSE 500 companies, charities, universities, global NGOs, start ups, government departments and professional associations.


Book a call with me
Transformative Mediation

I can help you

  • Defuse destructive conflict and get working relationships back on track

  • Rebuild trust and strengthen teamwork

  • Unlock creative energy in a team that is tied up in tiptoeing around the “elephant in the room”

  • Decrease politicking and power plays and face the core issue courageously and honestly

  • Get clarity about whether a working relationship can be improved or whether it’s time to graciously part company

Mediation Pioneer

Why me

  • Accredited mediator with Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) and Civil Mediation Council since 1992

  • First woman to become an accredited mediator in the UK

  • Expert advisor to government – Select Committee on Women and Equalities enquiry into sexual harassment in the workplace

  • Former commercial litigation lawyer for 10 years with global law firm Eversheds Sutherland

  • Trainer of mediation skills in Europe, Africa and Asia on CEDR’s world class commercial mediation skills programme for over 25 years

  • Qualified psychotherapist

  • Recommended in The Legal 500 /Chambers Guide since 2001

  • Image: Speaking at the House of Commons

Get your team back on track

Find out more

Team mediation is fast, discreet, confidential and cost-effective. Avoid painful and protracted disputes that damage reputation, morale and performance.

book a call with me

I will:

  • speak to HR to understand the context
  • speak to all the participants individually
  • bring the participants together for a series of one or more meetings
  • record action points coming out of the discussions
  • provide ongoing support to ensure that behaviour change is lasting

Team mediation is suitable for 2 or more colleagues who are in conflict. They can be peers or senior-junior.


They need to be willing to set aside blame and use this confidential, informal process to give and receive feedback, learn about themselves and seek constructive solutions.

Conflict at work can be incredibly painful and isolating and can make you doubt your worth as a human being.


I make it safe to show your vulnerability and humanity – this is the key to repairing broken relationships.


When I see people be brave and honest and create a solid connection with their colleague it’s very rewarding.

Are you willing to:

  • suspend blame
  • be coached on how to express your concerns cleanly and clearly
  • look at your part in the dynamic with your colleague and be open to hearing feedback
  • accept responsibility for your feelings
  • seek constructive solutions
Liz brings a flexible and perceptive approach to her mediation work.
Chambers Guide to the Legal Profession
Everyone is delighted with the outcome of the mediation and it has had a positive impact on the whole team.
HR Director
Sporting Body
Your mediation has been a huge and inspiring help, triggering many new thoughts and approaches for me.  It is already improving things.
Professional Association
You have been amazing in this entire process and I only wish you were introduced to us much earlier.
Investment Bank
Liz managed to uncover distinct differences in our working behaviours which she conveyed without critism or judgement, so that we could each understand and be sympathetic to our different styles and create a more collaborative working relationship.
Senior executive
Financial services