I’ve always loved autumn – that feeling of settling and clarity after the striving of spring and the muzziness of summer. I still get that “back to school” feeling of a new academic year, sharp pencils and a new pencil case, feeling focussed and getting stuck into projects after the summer break.
This weekend is the Autumn Equinox – one of only two days in the year when the day and night are exactly equal length. “So what?” You might be thinking – and indeed so did I before I discovered the Celtic calendar.
It’s a time of harvesting – what were your dreams and intentions in the early part of the year? What has come to fruition?
For years I’ve secretly wanted to try my hand at stand up comedy but was terrified. Two weeks ago I bit the bullet and took part in a beginners workshop hosted by the Newhaven Festival of Fun – it was a ball! I met amazing people including Pete Burns, a Touretter who won Big Brother – he was utterly hilarious. I’m loving the kudos I get for tackling something most people would avoid like the plague (watch out for details of my first gig…)
This is a moment to take stock of the year so far and give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate “reaping what you sow”. Think about:
- What risks have you taken this year?
- What are you proud of?
- What will you carry forward into the winter and what will you clear out?